For Windows 10 operating systems, these programs are compatible when used with National Instruments IMAQ drivers version 2017.5 or older.
The CameraLink drivers are part of the National Instrument IMAQ software. NI significantly changed the engine under the hood of IMAQ since version 19.0, figuring that the future was IMAQdx, even for CameraLink. Version 19.0 had some additional issues so version 19.5 is recommended.
An explanation on re-enabling the support for IMAQ type of ICD files is shown on their support page at
With the above adjustments, SUI IA version 7.1.1 and Camera Link Terminal 2.1 are compatible with Windows 10 and NI IMAQ 19.0.
Please note: The SUI ICD file doesn't work due to a migration software bug. Please see the following instructions:
- Close MAX
- Open regedit.exe, browse to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ Configuration\19.5.0
- Add new DWORD called ShowLegacyIMAQItems
- Right click, Modify, change Value data to 1
- Re-open MAX